Who's Behind Lagertha Laser?

Elli and her family.

Lagertha Laser started as a fun little hobby project, and everyone who had something I made knew exactly who I was. As I've registered to remit taxes, created an official business name, and built this whole website, I realize that not everyone knows our story. So, I figured it's time to share a little about us! 

This business is entirely mine, as my husband is still working full time in the US Air Force. Years ago when we got married, we agreed that since I had already left the Air Force, I would be more available for our kids as we moved all across the globe. But, the first kid is getting older and has his own friends and hobbies, and the young one still takes naps and goes to sleep fairly early, and so we've reached a point where I finally have some time to do fun things like crafting and creating again! 

Do I have a background in any of this? Not really. I grew up in a small town in Northeastern Pennsylvania, outside of Scranton. I worked at Wegmans and Target in high school, before shipping off to the Air Force at 17 to spend 8 years as an Airborne Surveillance Technician on JSTARS. I suffered nerve damage in both my mouth and ankle due to some pretty routine dental work gone astray, and began having more and more consistent migraine attacks after the age of 25. Combined with a bunch of other life changes, I decided it was time to leave the service, even if it meant leaving some of the best friends and family I ever made. 

After leaving the Air Force, I completed a degree in Psychology, and then my husband and I decided that we were going to build our life together, and that meant that my job hunt was going to be paused for a bit. 

We moved to DC, had our first son, lived in Italy, Germany, moved back to DC, suffered through 2020, moved to California, had our second son, and then moved just outside of St. Louis, where we currently are. During that time, I ran an online digital business creating and selling digital planners and stickers, and also creating digital patterns for scrapbooking and other items. In 2024, my dad mentioned he had a laser he was no longer using, and asked if I wanted it. I had always talked about getting a Glowforge since way back when they first came out, but with moving constantly and the price tag, it just never happened. So, I jumped at the opportunity to play around! 

I quickly realized the open style laser he had was not going to work with a toddler and dog running round, and I took advantage of the xTool trade in program. I purchase the S1 40 watt fully enclosed laser, complete with a full air purifier, fire suppression system, and just about every other accessory I could add to the cart. I really love creating with the laser, and I'll find any excuse to come into my office and start playing around. 

Anyway, back when we were in California, right before I found out I was pregnant with our second son, we decided to get an Alaskan Klee Kai puppy. We named her Lagertha, after the Viking Shieldmaiden. She's been my little companion ever since, hanging out with me long after the nerds in my family crawl into bed for a good night of sleep. (I'm a night owl, and I never go to sleep on time. I complain every morning, and never learn.)

I decided that she would be my perfect little mascot for this business, and so Lagertha Laser was created! 

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